Tmaindt hozzszls
2004.12.19. 20:23 - |
Sziasztok krlek mondja meg valaki hogy mikor vettik a tbbi epizdot?????!!!!!! (27-52)
Elre is Kszi
minl gyorsabban rjatokmert mr nagyon vrom!
s egybknt ez egy angol oldalon talltam ha lefordtja valaki akkor snem vagyunk s megtudjuk hogy mikor vettik!
Fox Kids managed the miracle of showing episode 26 for the first time on the 23rd of June. We all thought it was a total fluke, and that they just got unbelievably lucky in that they showed Super Sonic's debut ep on Sonic's 13th birthday.
Well, now I'm Fox Kids managed the miracle of showing episode 26 for the first time on the 23rd of June. We all wondering if that really WAS a fluke, or if someone at Fox Kids really did their homework.
Why? Well, Fox Kids are showing new episodes in the UK on January the first, right? Well, what day is episode 40 set on? What's that? New Years day, you say?
Why, that's exactly when episode 40 is meant to happen!
Fox Kids are either strategic marketing geniuses, or are blessed with the lucky timing of the gods.
Utna tudna nekem nzni valaki, hogy melyik magyar studi szinkronizlta a Sonic X-et? |
hello! hol lehet letlteni vagy melyik ruhzban lehet szerezni sonic epizdokat?? |
Azt gondolom hogy a 78 rsz hlyesg. utnnanztem s csak 52 rsz lesz. A Sonic team tervbe vette hogy elkszt mg 26 rszt teljesen szmtgpell de elvetettk az tletet.... ne is remnykedj
(bocs ha illzirombol vagyok :-) ) |
Kpzeljtek, olvastam 1 angol honlapon, hogy nem 52 rszes a Sonic X, hanem 78.
Mg azt tudom, hogy Angliban 2115.01.01-n adjk le, a 40. rszt. Szval szerintem valamikor februr krnykn jn meg az jabb 26 rsz.
Ti mit gondoltok? n mr nagyon vrom! |
Azt rja,hogy a 26. rsztl jnius 23-tl adjk az angol Fox Kidsen.Nem lehet tudni,hogy itt mikor kezdik el eladni.De n mr nagyon vrom!!!! |
Sziasztok krlek mondja meg valaki hogy mikor vettik a tbbi epizdot?????!!!!!! (27-52)
Elre is Kszi
minl gyorsabban rjatokmert mr nagyon vrom!
s egybknt ez egy angol oldalon talltam ha lefordtja valaki akkor snem vagyunk s megtudjuk hogy mikor vettik!
Fox Kids managed the miracle of showing episode 26 for the first time on the 23rd of June. We all thought it was a total fluke, and that they just got unbelievably lucky in that they showed Super Sonic's debut ep on Sonic's 13th birthday.
Well, now I'm Fox Kids managed the miracle of showing episode 26 for the first time on the 23rd of June. We all wondering if that really WAS a fluke, or if someone at Fox Kids really did their homework.
Why? Well, Fox Kids are showing new episodes in the UK on January the first, right? Well, what day is episode 40 set on? What's that? New Years day, you say?
Why, that's exactly when episode 40 is meant to happen!
Fox Kids are either strategic marketing geniuses, or are blessed with the lucky timing of the gods.